Friday 14 December 2012

Friday Pictures

So I've decided that in an effort to post more I'm going to post 5 pictures every Friday. I'll TRY to post every week but you know, no promises ;) There might be a theme or not. This week: EPIC CUTENESS!!
Found these during the course of the week and thought I'd share them :)

1) This first one made me laugh-so cute

2) OMG SO CUTE! The last bit's the best

3) If dogs could text

4) And another...

5) My exact reaction...

BONUS: I almost forgot about Tard

So yeah, I just wanted to share the awesomeness with you. Let me know if this is something you'd like to see more of. 

Take care guys,

Love Naomi xxx

Thursday 13 December 2012

I love winter tag!

Yay I love winter!! It's my favorite season so this is a great tag for me! :)

Favorite thing about winter: CHRISTMAS!!! Christmas is my favorite time of year (but I'll do a Christmas tag nearer the time) Also how pretty it is, this morning I left for college and everything had a really pretty coating of frost and it was all sparkly and really pretty. 
Favorite food: Christmas dinner (obviously) but also mince pies, I actually don't like the taste very much but they're such a wintery food sooo...
Favorite drink: well tea of course, I've actually been enjoying the strawberry and vanilla tea I got for my birthday:
That said, I'd getting back into hot chocolate after going off it last year.
Favorite thing to wear: Scarves. I just got a new one (or a snood if you like)
You can't tell but it;s shiny too!
Favorite thing to do in the snow: Going sledging. I'd never been before three years ago but it's so fun! Unfortunately the place where I normally go sledging is being destroyed because they're building a tram track there instead :(
Other favorite things to do: Go shopping, go on winter walks with my family and spend my evenings in pajamas  hot water bottles, tea, chocolate and DVDs <3

Well I think that's just about it, I'll put the rest of the stuff in my Christmas tag so that will be longer.Oh but it's advent and as well as the usual chocolate advent calendar we also brought down the story one from the loft again. 24 little books making up the Christmas story: 

Well that's all for now. It's good to be back :)

Love Naomi xxx


Hi guys! So I'm finally back! I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long but it's been complete chaos. What with  starting college, mocks, starting work experience, and some other really important stuff. 

So what's new? Well...

  • I started college
  • I got a work experience placement at Primary School in year 6
  • Took (and failed most of) my mocks
  • Been revising non-stop for my AS exams,
  • Took a TEFEL (teaching English as a foreign language) mini-course
  • Took up more hours at the charity shop where I work
  • Took an archery beginer's course. (I came second in the competition) Look how I did on my second week:
  • (yeah the one in the middle)
  • Probably lots of other stuff but I can't remember.
Oooh I also got these boots!

Sorry again for being away for so long I'm definitely going to try to post more often again. Might post another tonight!

Love Naomi xxx