So this is the 'Catastrophe Cosmetic' one which is awesome because I'm all about blueberries because they contain antioxidants that fight harmful free radicals. It's literally full of blueberries!
It also contains chamomile which I'm not going to lie didn't do a whole lot but you know.So the main thing I noticed is that my face felt really detoxed. You can put on a thick layer and it washes off really easily which is great. It did make my face quite red afterwards for a while and I was like well the chamomile fails but this is normal for me and it was fine after a while. But all in all this is a good face mask I'd rate it a 6.5-7.5 out of 10. That's still good because the highest I ever really give is a 9 anyway so yeah.
Love Naomi xxx
Liked this blog post but i must admit i bought this a couple of weeks ago and it bought me out in loads of spots!!