1) Alberto Balsam strawberries & cream shampoo. I've actually gotten through about three of these this month since I have insanely thick hair and it's also quite long so I use a lot. But it's good and dirt cheap ( normally about £1 a bottle). Yeah I'd recommend it.
2) Nivea Rich Nourishing Body Moisturiser. I've still got the littlest amount left so it's all good because I love it! I'm getting this again.
3)Simple Replenishing Moisturiser. This is quite good, it's quite thin but quite rich. It covers my needs.
4)Superdrug Nourishing Mud Mask. (Yep sorry the packet's so messy!) I really like this and have just got a couple more. Very nourishing and you can normally get two or three applications out of one packet.
5) Vaseline. Yay vaseline! I love this. Enough said. ;)
6)The Body Shop Aloe Lip Care. I've talked about this before, I love this and will get it again like vaseline.
7)Boots Vitamin E Eye Cream. Not desperately effective but it's a reasonably good and cheap, I'll probably get it again....OH!! Unless anyone can recommend any good eye creams for under £10, especially if they tackle under eye wrinkles.
Okay so that's everything. Yesterday was fun I went to an old friend'es house to watch DVDs like Friends and Miranda. So funny! Went to the hair dressers today; I was kind of nervous because I went somewhere new and I wasn't sure how good she'll be especially with my hair! But she was really good and it's so much thinner now so yay!
Love Naomi xxx
hey great empties post i enjoyed it a lot